Common questions and answers

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our products specially designed for women and men as well as our products for managing gray hair. Select the category that best suits you to find relevant answers.

What external factors affect the hair?

Too much washing, vigorous brushing, dyeing, chemical bleaching, sun and bathing, strong heat from flat irons and blow dryers and tight hairstyles can affect the quality of the hair by weakening and thinning the hair. Let your hair rest occasionally and be careful with regular wraps to add moisture, dry and brittle hair is fragile and breaks easily. Also, be sure to use styling products with heat protection when straightening or blow-drying your hair and protect your hair from strong sun during the summer.

Does your hair grow all the time?

No, hair has different phases. The anagen phase lasts 2 to 8 years. Here the cells in the hair root divide and produce the surface of the hair. The hair follicle grows into the deeper layers of the skin to be nourished. The length of the hair is also determined by the length of this phase. The catagen phase stands for renewal and lasts 2 to 4 weeks. The follicle shrinks to about one-sixth of its normal size, the hair stops growing, and the root is finally pushed up and falls off. The telogen phase is also called the resting phase of the hair and lasts for 2 to 4 months. The hair does not grow, but stays in contact with the hair follicle as the root rests. About 10-15% of all hairs are always in the telogen phase, and after this the cycle is complete and the hair transitions again to the anagen phase.

Where does the Keratin in Hårkontroll Boost come from?

It is a bioavailable keratin called Cynatine HNS, bioavailable means that it attaches to the hair root from the inside and provides nourishment so that you get stronger and fuller hair.

What is meant by hair loss?

We normally lose about 100 hairs a day, which is nothing to worry about. If you lose more hairs over a longer period of time, you can talk about hair loss. There are many causes of hair loss, such as thyroid problems, prolonged stress or infections. If you are worried, you should seek help from a doctor to find out the underlying causes.

Can i use Hårkontroll when I am pregnant and breastfeeding?

You can use Hårkontroll Original when you are pregnant and breastfeeding, but should wait with Hårkontroll Boost until afterwards. Always inform your midwife if you are taking nutritional supplements while you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How is hair affected by menopause?

In menopause, the balance between the hormones changes, which affects the quality and growth of the hair. With increasing age, the number of hairs on the head also decreases, as the growth phase becomes shorter and the resting phase longer. This means that the hair cannot grow as long as before. A lower estrogen content also affects the wear resistance of the hair and it becomes thinner and more fragile. A good help on the way to getting longer, stronger hair is Hair Control Boost.

Does Hårkontroll contain lactose, milk protein or gluten?

No, Hårkontroll is free of these allergens.

How is hair affected during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, the level of estrogen in the body rises sharply, and the hair often becomes thicker and more shiny. After childbirth, the estrogen level drops again and the hair follicles enter a resting phase, which leads to increased hair loss for a period. It is normally nothing to worry about. During the breastfeeding period, it can be valuable to be extra careful with the nutritional intake, as the body is exposed to great stress and more nutrition is needed.

How does Hårkontroll work?

The hair roots gets it nourishment from blood circulation, and it Is therefore important to have good nutritional values for the hair and nails to grow. There isn’t any single substances that causes hair or nails to loose their strength or growth. Vitamins and minerals work together in the body to futil different functions. Hårkontroll original is widely composed of nutrients with mutual interactions and contains important biotins, zinc and selenium which is needed to maintain normal hair quality and hair growth. Hårkontroll original also contains millet our most nutritious grain, and silicon from bamboo. Hårkontroll boost is composed of vitamins, minerals and an extra dose of biotin for periods when the hair needs that little bit extra help. Hårkontroll Boost also contains the patented keratin Cynatine HNS. Keratin is the main competent of hair, a protein that has the highest content of the amino acid cysteine, a natural reservoir of sulfur.

How long should I take Hårkontroll?

Healthy hair grows on average about 1 cm per month, and more slowly at the hairline. Hair control Boost is recommended for at least 3 months for optimal results. After that, you can switch to the broader compound Hårkontroll Original, which can be used with advantage on a regular basis to ensure a good supply of nutrients to the hair root and thereby preserve the quality and strength of the hair. But you can also continue with Hårkontroll Boost all the time if you wish.

Does your hair grow all the time?

No, hair has different phases. The anagen phase lasts 2 to 8 years. Here the cells in the hair root divide and produce the surface of the hair. The hair follicle grows into the deeper layers of the skin to be nourished. The length of the hair is also determined by the length of this phase. The catagen phase stands for renewal and lasts 2 to 4 weeks. The follicle shrinks to about one-sixth of its normal size, the hair stops growing, and the root is finally pushed up and falls off. The telogen phase is also called the resting phase of the hair and lasts for 2 to 4 months. The hair does not grow, but stays in contact with the hair follicle as the root rests. About 10-15% of all hairs are always in the telogen phase, and after this the cycle is complete and the hair transitions again to the anagen phase.

What is meant by hair loss?

We normally lose about 100 hairs a day, which is nothing to worry about. If you lose more hairs over a longer period of time, you can talk about hair loss. There are many causes of hair loss, such as thyroid problems, prolonged stress or infections. If you are worried, you should seek help from a doctor to find out the underlying causes.

What is RootPrep™?

RootPrep is our name for a well-documented extract called Redensyl. The extract consists of a broad composition of different herbs which in studies have shown a very good effect on increased hair strength, less hair loss and it gives fuller and stronger hair. Both Hårkontroll Man Hair Thickening Shampoo and Hårkontroll Man Intensive Serum contain that extract

Do I get increased hair growth on other parts of the body?

No, the active ingredients only affect the hair on the head. Hair on the rest of the body has a different structure and is not affected.

Does Hårkontroll MAN - Hair Boosting Nutrition cause side effects?

Yes, if you are sensitive or have an allergy to any of the ingredients, you should avoid using the product.

How does Hårkontroll MAN - Hair Growing System help?

No, there must be live hair roots for this treatment to work. If the hair root is completely dead, it will not help, but if the roots are in the telogen phase, this will help the growth of hair. With the correct nutrition from inside and out, the perfect conditions are created for stronger and thicker hair.

How long should I use Hårkontroll MAN - Hair Growing System?

Healthy hair grows on average about 1 cm per month, and more slowly at the hairline. We recommend using the entire series for 12 weeks for optimal results.

How does the Keratin work in Hårkontroll MAN - Hair Boosting Nutrition

It is a bioavailable keratin called Cynatine HNS, bioavailable means that it attaches to the hair root from the inside and boosts the hair root with the right nutrition so you get stronger and fuller hair.

How does Hårkontroll MAN - Hair Growing System work?

Hair control Man is a unique 3 component solution. The hair root gets its nourishment from the blood circulation, and it is therefore important to have a good supply of nutrients for the hair to have the right conditions. It is never a single substance that causes the hair to lose its condition, strength and growth. Vitamins and minerals work together in the body to perform various functions. Hair control Man Nutrition is composed of vitamins, minerals and an extra dose of biotin for periods when the hair needs that little something extra. The nutritional supplement also contains the patented keratin Cynatine HNS. Keratin is the main component of hair, a protein that has the highest concentration of the amino acid cysteine, a natural reservoir of sulfur. It binds to the hair root from the inside and ensures that the hair root gets the best conditions for good growth. The shampoo deep cleans the scalp and hair root from the outside so that the active Hair Control Man Intensive serum can penetrate into the hair root and stimulate better hair growth.

What other effects does Hårkontroll Grey Hair have?

Hair control Gray Hair also contains active and easily absorbed keratin peptides that increase the strength and resistance of the hair and nails, organic copper that contributes to the pigmentation of the hair and skin, and biotin that contributes to the normal functions of the hair.

Is there a risk of increased hyperpigmentation whilst use Hårkontroll Grey Hair?

No, hyperpigmentation has not been noted even with long-term use of Melatine® keratin. Hyperpigmentation is mainly caused by excessive sun exposure, damaged skin and hormonal changes.

Can I use Hårkontroll Grey Hair regularly?

Yes, it is perfectly possible to use Hair Control Gray Hair as long as you want and need. The longer, the better. The pigmentation remains as long as the product is used.

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